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Terms of Use

Darren's Pizza Palace Policies

This website may be copyrighted by the government of Michigan. You cannot use our trademarks due to the federal law and other circumstances.


After you sign up to Darren's Pizza Palace, you must check Terms of Use, before you can visit to Darren's Pizza Palace.


Alcoholic Beverage Policy- You must be 21 years of age. Valid state issued driver's license with photo; state issued identification card with photo; or USDOD military ID required by state law. To purchase, possess or consume alcoholic beverages as t Darren's Pizzeria Palace. This will prohibit bringing beer, wine, or intoxicating liquor on Darren's Pizzeria Palace Property, including the picnic shelters, or leaving the park with alcohol purchased here.


Credit Cards- VISA, MasterCard, Amercian Express Bank of America, and all other credcrcards are accepted for park admission, accommodations, restaurant and most movie theater.


​Dress Inappropriate and Discontinuations- Shirts and shoes MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES, including entering and leaving out of the building.Swimwear must be sufficiently covered. Profanity obscene gestures, motorcycle colors, obscene statements, pictures of illegal substances, all gang-related items on clothing, costumes or disguises that conceal identity are prohibited.


Firearms and Weapons- For safety reasons, Darren's Pizzeria Palace DOES NOT permit firearms and Weapons on Darren's Pizzeria Palace Property.


First  AID- Stations are located in the restrooms and the restrooms will store most medicines and medical equipment. In medical emergency, please dial 911 from at pay phone or ask associates for assistance.


Food Allergies- Information for guests with food allergies available at the Food Service Office and thee Guest Services.


​Guest and disabilities- Please visit Guest Services.


Lost and round-up Please secure all loose article before the riding. AAll founditems are held at the the Guest Services at the main entrance. PLEASE notify lost and found if your missing an iteitem s it can returned if found. For your safety, DO NOT enter una unauthorized areas.


Parent Swap- One parent of small children waits in line, both play! For more information or to obtain a Parent Swap Pass, please see th Guest Services.


Pinic & Outdoor Shelters- With the exception of special diet items( which may be kept in a smaller cooler) outside food and beverages are not allowed in the park near the Main Entrance. Darren's Pizza Palace IS NOT responsible for items that are lost or stolen.

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