The Documentary of Mosquitoes
How come people think mosquitoes are vampires? Mosquitoes are not vampires, they are insects that suck blood to nurse their eggs. Adult Female mosquitoes lay about 1,000 eggs a day. When female mosquitoes suck all the blood out of the skin. You'll see a red dot or red mark, it begins to make you itch on a ditch. The more you itch, the bigger than your skin can be. You can see the female mosquito's body see if the body covers with blood. If the body had blood inside, you can tell the female mosquitoes is done sucking the blood. Some of the baby female mosquitoes suck blood for to get energy. Do you think the female mosquitoes can spray disease to us? Yes, because if 50 to 100 female mosquitoes suck all the blood out of the body, it can cause an illness of any kind of diseases. The female mosquitoes create an offspring for her child. In each egg, it hatches out of the water. The baby mosquitoes live in water. That's why female mosquitoes nurse their eggs on water. The female mosquitoes can stand on water. Some scientist says female mosquitoes could smell carbon dioxide because they want blood. How come female mosquitoes bite us and male mosquitoes don't? Male mosquitoes don't bite us because they're herbivores just like the herbivore animals. Male mosquitoes can make a baby by having sex with the female mosquitoes. Male mosquitoes and female mosquitoes can create a marriage of a wife and husband. How do female mosquitoes have babies? The male mosquitoes want to have sex with female mosquitoes. Once they are finished, the female mosquito waits for her body to pregnant just like us. After 9 months have passed, the babies are ready to be born. Inside of the female mosquito's body, the eggs are about to form into sizes of a seed. The eggs are coming out of the female mosquito's body. The eggs are sitting down on the water. When the female mosquito was finished, the eggs will be hatching at least 5 hours. The babies come out of the egg, the baby swims in water and eats food from water. They babies are called larva. The larva is represented as a baby mosquito. it depends if is a boy or a girl. However, if the larva has grown, it will turn it into a puree. Did you the paper is the same thing as butterfly into crystal? That sounds an excellent answer. The paper is turning the larva into an adult mosquito. The male mosquito looks like the long mouth just like a female mosquito, but the male mosquito has a horn on top of the mouth like a rhino. A female mosquito has long mouth without a horn on top of the mouth. The female mosquito doesn't have the same quality of the male mosquito, but there are different types of kinds of mosquitoes. Some female mosquito doesn't want to suck blood because they are not pregnant. Now, you have learned you're about the female mosquitoes are not vampires. If you're pregnant women, you must go to the doctor and ask the doctor for a Zika test. Some mosquitoes have diseases in their body and the mosquitoes can spread into your body system.